Monday, July 1, 2013

Explosive Deadlifts, Snatch Grip Pulls, and Pause Deadlifts

My deadlifts tonight felt mediocre. They were fast-ish, but I just didn't feel "on"--more like I was just going through the motions. Tonight, however, sparked some important ideas and realizations. Last week I made a comment about being too far over the bar and having my hips too far away from the bar. I am positive that if I improve these two things, my deadlift will skyrocket...easier said than done.

I have a few stretches that I always do for my hips, but I have a few ideas about some new ones that I will document for people. In the video of my training tonight, I am literally pushing my knees out as hard as I can and trying to get my hips as close to the bar as possible, but if you ask me it's pathetic. You'll notice that far too much of my torso is over the bar and my chest isn't up and strong. Part of it is me being limited by short arms for sure, but I need to do something to get into a better position. I really need to pull myself to the point that my hips come in a few inches and my chin gets right behind the bar, or at least the front of my shoulders. My only fear is that if I am able to get my hips opened up more, it'll take a toll on my squat.

Other than that, I felt strong and tonight was a "down" day of sorts in preparation for my heavy squat personal record day coming friday.

Speed Deadlift
365 5x2@6

4" Snatch Grip Pulls
365 2x8@7-8

Pause Deadlifts
225 3x6@6

225 2x20

Lat Pulldown
120 4x15

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