Saturday, July 6, 2013

Squat PR Day

Today, the goal was to work up to a heavy single and hopefully set a personal record before my mock-meet coming up in a few weeks. Warm ups felt fine, and everything up to 455 felt great. The first time I took 455, I had trouble "catching" myself out of the hole and getting my hips moving, but nonetheless I got the lift. Then, I took 475....and an idiot. I came out of the hole and right to my sticking point, then nothing. I couldn't get my hips through, although my form didn't break down at all. I was solid, I just couldn't push through

Dustin told me to take 455 again and crush it--and I did. This time I hit it fast and strong, causing me to want to take 475 again. I attempted 475 and made it this time, pretty solidly I might add. I'm not breaking down much under heavy weight, I just seem to have a problem grinding. What does this mean? Was I just being a little bitch the first time? Was it my head? Did I mis-groove the lift. Whatever the case, I got my act together and came back to kill it.

I was pretty fried afterwards, so I only did a few drop sets of highbar paused squats, abs, and a new exercise that Skursky and I saw from Klokov on YouTube for the lower back. It actually fried me pretty well. I'm thinking I'm going to keep them in the rotation.

365x2 didn't feel primed enough yet
455x1 PR @9
475x0 miss
455x1 better
475x1 PR @9-10

Highbar Paused Squat

Decline Situps w/ Barbell
3 sets 65lbs

Reverse Plank Back Excercise
20lbs total x 30 sec
50lbs total x 30 sec
50lbs total x 30 sec
70lbs total x 30 sec

Here is a video of them doing these:

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